The two nuclear fission bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki each released nearly 4,000 times as much explosive energy as chemical high explosive bombs of the same weight. Together they kil ...
Federalist Papers FOR THE SOLAR ERA
This is reminiscent of the Federalist Papers written in 1787 - 1788 in support of the new United States Constitution. Ratification was not automatic: the founders had to make the case for it publicly. Today the most important reasons for this new federation are different. First, global abolition of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons. We welcome scholarly arguments supporting our Open Source Global Governance initiative please.
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We are claiming the paper on Nuclear Power and Nuclear Weapons, written nearly 28 years ago, by the late and great Theodore B. Taylor, as Federalist Paper number one for this new era. My current essa ...
Open Source Global Governance (OSGG) Project Timeline
August 1975 to present
some milestones
Aug 1975, Berkeley Earliest description and discussions of Alan Dechert's idea for a re-set of the modern world civilization, to a new age
1976 - 1986, Alan Dechert reaches out to people in environmental groups, peace groups, authors, and political activists in the San Francisco Bay Area, with letters, group meetings, and one-on-one meetings.
Read More 1976 - 1986, Alan Dechert reaches out to people in environmental groups, peace groups, authors, and political activists in the San Francisco Bay Area, with letters, group meetings, and one-on-one meetings.